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2974 сообщений
Послано - 28 Апр 2008 :  23:44:30  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
May could be huge at the box-office

Industry analyists are predicting that May’s box-office could one of the biggest in Hollywood history reports Variety.
While there are only two franchise film opening in May, analyists predict that May’s box-office results could equal or surpass the record-setting month May registered last year. Last year, three major franchise “three-quels” opened in May–Spider-Man 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and Shrek 3. All three went on to earn over $300 million domestically and helped get the summer movie season off to a solid start.
This year, there are four event films hitting the big-screen in May. Iron Man, Speed Race, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
But the real icing on the cake could lie in a series of smaller films with a more targeted demographic that will open this May. Last year, the studios pushed back some releases to avoid competiting with the big “three-quels.” This year, there are several films targeted at women (Sex in the City, Made of Honor) and a broad-based comedy (What Happens in Vegas) that could have box-office legs.
“There’s a lot of business that could happen at the box office,” Universal president of distribution Nikki Rocco said. “It’s always good when there’s high anticipation for something new and inventive. It’s what keeps moviegoers coming back.”
Industry analysists are predicting that Iron Man and Crystal Skull could be a huge one-two punch in terms of blockbuster status. Buzz and anticipation for Iron Man is peaking at the right time and Paramount has decided to open the film in selected theaters next Thursday as well. And while there have been warnings from George Lucas to not set expectations for Crystal Skull too high, fans have waited close to 20 years for the long-promised continuation of the Indiana Jones story.
That said, Paramount is reminding the media and fans that Iron Man is not a sequel and that to expect Spider-Man 2 or Spider-Man 3 sized box-office returns might be a bit too lofty.
Along those lines, industry analysists predict that while Speed Racer could have a softer opening, it’s PG rating could keep it around for a long run at the box-office. The movie may have a difficult time taking the top-spot from Iron Man some observers say.
The summer movie season kicks off next week when Iron Man hits theaters and then doesn’t slow down until at least August.


Да-да, давайте есть пчелу мирно! (c)

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2974 сообщений
Послано - 28 Апр 2008 :  23:45:13  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
The Top 7 Most Embarrassing Moments in Science Fiction

A list! An internet list! Ooooh, Shiny! Clickey-clickey!
Let’s face it, despite our brains being larger than that of the general populace, even Sci-fi fans are drawn to internet lists like Mynocks to Kessel running smuggler ships. It would be easy to cobble together another “Top 10 best Sci-Fi series EVAR” that get pushed out by lesser websites, slap it on the site for people to howl that I left off their favorite show and call it a solar day. But that’s not how I roll, peeps.
Instead, I present the worst moments of Sci-Fi. We’re still in a golden age of Sci-fi where every network carries at least one show and we even have a channel that shows only Science Fiction (and wrestling…um, wha?), but that was not always the case. The Cause stumbled for many years and still has missteps of judgment where we all grimace as the skeptics nod their heads and proclaim that Sci-fi is just for kids. So I have cobbled together the top 5 moments, the ones that slow us down or stopped us altogether. They are actually in chronological order, but we do love lists so…
7 . Lost in Space – When they lost their nerve.
Mention Lost in Space nowadays and you instantly think “Danger, Will Robinson”, Dr. Smith’s bumbling idiocy and if that chimp they strapped the phony ears to ever went on a rampage and ripped off a cameraman’s face.
But did you ever watch the first 10 episodes? They were compelling, thoughtful, dangerous stories of a family that’s trying desperately to survive in a hostile universe. Watch the pilot episode and Dr. Smith actually KILLS a guy, and then tries to kill the Robinson family using the reprogrammed robot. Now that’s good sci-fi.
So what happened? Well, for one, it’s hard to justify keeping a guy on your ship who wants to kill you every episode, so the writers had to soften Dr. Smith down. The comedy trio/uncomfortable sexual grouping of Dr. Smith, Will Robinson and The Robot instantly appealed to the youth market and the network seized upon it. From that point on, it became dumbed down, space pirate, camp that resembled the Adam West Batman more than a survival series. Nonetheless, the short-term effect was ratings gold, GOLD I say Will!
The long -term effect was to play into every skeptics hands that Science Fiction was silly, children’s fare. In this case they were right. Well, at least Star Trek was on the same years so it offset the…uh oh…
6. Star Trek – “Spock’s Brain”
Trek fans rejoice! Your long hours of letter writing (present day emailing), picketing NBC (present day sending nuts) and pamphlet circulating (er, blogs?) have done the impossible! You have actually saved your show in a first ever decision from a network! Huzzah, you’ve earned this! Here is the premiere episode of season three: A planet of intellectual morons, ruled by women (no jokes here!) steals Mr. Spock’s Brain and puts in a computer (huh?). Kirk and company beam down with the brainless body of Mr. Spock and are captured by the Sudoku challenged women (no jokes here!) and must free themselves and return Spock’s Brain to it’s body!!
Considered one of the worst of the 79 episodes, “Spock Brain” was the ridiculous, insulting episode served up to the fans following their tireless work to save the show. True, NBC did the series no favors by slashing the budget and shifting it to the Friday at 10pm time slot. Still, the sight of Spock, brainless but controlled by a hat like device, stumbling around put a bad taste in the fans mouths and guaranteed the show would be cancelled.
This of course left William Shatner time to…
5. Bill Shatner Performs Rocket Man.
In the pre-Star Wars 70’s, we almost lost the thread on Sci-Fi. SF Shows were few and far between and films were a joke. Even worse, someone let Shatner out of his cage and he went ahead and recorded his now famous album “The Transformed Man”.
He followed this up with a performance during the Science Fiction awards where he outdid his Star Trek episode “Two Kirks” bit with THREE SHATNERS. The universe shuddered that day as a sweaty Bill spoke his way through the song with two pretaped versions of himself (If they were real, then this becomes Sci-fi’s BEST moment.). The audience, shocked and disoriented mustered applause at the end, but were later found washing those same hands crying “dirty, dirty, dirty!”
I’m not sure many saw the broadcast, but you only need the disaster to happen once for the memories to linger. Speaking of that…
4. The Star Wars Holiday Special – It is the stuff of legend. Let’s see we got:
1. A story line set around a family of Wookies who DON’T speak English, leaving us to guess what they are saying.
2. Bea Arthur
3. A drugged out Carrie Fisher singing some terrible ‘festival of light’ song to the Star Wars theme music.
4. Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill sleepwalking through their performances.
5. Harvey Korman as a 4 armed cooking show host.
6. Art Carney as a friend of the Wookies (Bet you a million dollars he had no idea what a Wookie was before the show. Probably still didn’t after.)
7. Jefferson Starship (I can see the pitch “Hell, they got the name ‘Starship’ in their title!”) as a holographic rock and roll band.
8. Bea Arthur.
This was a franchise killer if there ever was one. It only aired once and Lucas wisely has destroyed every legal copy around. Unfortunately, for those of us who stayed up and WATCHED the thing, it is seared in our minds as only traumatic events can. Aside from the mildly interesting Boba Fett appearance, this show was a cheaply made, awkwardly produced money grab by Lucas and company. He learned his lesson…until…
3. Jar-Jar Binks! For all the Lucas haters out there, the line of incrimination begins at the Star Wars Christmas Special and runs through Jar-Jar. This cloying, irritating CGI abomination almost instantly reduced any goodwill from a Star Wars fan to the franchise by half. Aside from the fact that he was vaguely racist, he just wasn’t FUNNY, a prerequisite for characters billed as ‘Comic relief’. The only ‘relief’ came when Lucas wisely pushed Jar-Jar into the same vault as the Christmas Special and locked the key. The damage was done and the next two films had to work extra hard to escape the Gungan’s insidious plot to make the second trilogy unwatchable.
2. The Matrix Reloaded
When The Matrix came out, the singularity of Science Fiction had arrived. With amazing special effects, badass fight sequences, Star Wars like mythology and trendy people in trendy (black) clothes, The Matrix showed the world that Sci-Fi could be mainstream and cool.
Then they made a sequel.
Reloaded isn’t terrible, just self-indulgent. Gone was the lean, sharp story telling; replaced now with a bloated plot, too many characters (Jada Pinket? Really?) and too much CGI. What was once a simple story of “Beat the bad guys”, morphed into keymasters, dreadlocked twins and French dudes that we just didn’t care about.
Of course, what I’m really building up to is this: The rave.
Yup, an entire franchise was sacrificed so that hip, trendy people living underground could dance in a sweaty sexy montage. This was when Sci-Fi fans just lowered their heads in their heads in the movie theater and shook it slowly.
1. January 1st, 2001
I’m not talking about the classic Stanley Kubrick movie, I’m talking about the actually date. See the movie 2001 is a masterpiece of Science and Fiction – a best guess as to how the future could/should turn out from one of the world’s smartest scientists and authors. With moon bases, commercial space flight to orbiting space stations and a manned mission to Jupiter, it seemed logical and desirable. After all, the very next year we landed on the Moon. The Frelling Moon!
January 1st, 2001 is embarrassing to all Science fiction fans because we’re still stuck on Earth. 32 years after that film came out and 29 since the last Apollo mission, we still haven’t gone back to the Moon, much less landed on Mars (But we have probed Uranus!) Sure we have the internet, Xbox and the carpool lanes but the basic tenet of Science Fiction to explore has fallen by the wayside and as guardians of the future, we have to take a little blame for it. We can only look to the hazy sky now and know that we missed a golden opportunity. There will be no real life Star Trek, Star Wars or 2001 for our generation. Most people recovered from bad hangovers January 1st, 2001. Science Fiction fans sighed and pulled out their copies of 2010 and 3001, hoping maybe they’ll get one more shot.
Well, there it was. You know what the best part of internet lists are? They’re always right! Let’s print this baby out and put it in a time vault for the next generation to learn from. This is pure gold pressed latinum!
Wuzat? You have a better list?! Well, there’s a comment section on this site, Admiral, use it! Take me to task or tweak the list but be warned: bring your “A” game or you just might make next years list. That is, if there is an internet next year…


Да-да, давайте есть пчелу мирно! (c)

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2974 сообщений
Послано - 29 Апр 2008 :  00:11:11  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
SCI-FI to SCI-FACT: Iron Man Suits

And you thought Iron Man was all fiction. Well, think again! A company called Cyberdyne Inc. will go into production to make the Sacros XOS Exoskeleton suit that will give humans, normally incapable of such feats, the ability to lift weights exceeding two-hundred pounds or more — ENDLESSLY!
Evidently the “machine suit” (which is really a slick-down version of the apparatus seen in the Alien films in the cargo bay and dubbed HAL — “hybrid assistive limb”) will mimic and follow any movement from its user (or wearer), only it can move at nearly a thousand times per second, according to its developer. It operates from its central brain, a computer built into the metallic suit. The computer has the capability to monitor the user’s movements up to that thousand times per second mark and greatly amplify the human user’s normal strength through its robot-like exo-skeleton and portable power-pack.
Production is geared to begin as early as October of this year according to Cyberdyne Inc. The design of HAL originated from Japanese researchers.


Да-да, давайте есть пчелу мирно! (c)

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2974 сообщений
Послано - 29 Апр 2008 :  00:12:10  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Favor Brings Dresden Back

Best-selling fantasy author Jim Butcher told SCI FI Wire that his latest Dresden Files novel, Small Favor, continues several ongoing storylines and gets involved in a couple of new ones during the course of the investigation.

"It's the 10th book of the series, in which I plan to write a total of 20, more or less," Butcher said in an interview. "Once all the 'case' books are written, I plan to cap the whole thing off in a big old apocalyptic trilogy. I mean, come on. Who doesn't love apocalyptic trilogies?"

Harry Dresden, wizard at large, has in the course of his investigations incurred a debt to Mab, the Queen of Air and Darkness, monarch of the Winter Court of the Sidhe, Butcher said. "He owes the big bad queen of the wicked faeries two favors, and in this story she shows up to collect on one of them," he said. "Harry finds himself subject to attack by the minions of Mab's enemy, Titania, the Queen of the Summer Court, as well as in danger of being wiped out by friendly fire in the course of a case he would much rather went unsolved--the kidnapping of Chicago crime boss John Marcone. Throw in a couple of holy knights, a cult of demon warriors and the Billy Goats Gruff, and it's looking like a long week for poor Harry."

Faeries, in the Dresden Files books, "ain't no pixie-dust-spilling, friendly, cutely animated little Tinker Bells," Butcher said. "They're the faeries of the Grimms' tales, the original, gruesome ones, and even the friendliest among them can be lethally dangerous in the right circumstances. Harry finds himself maneuvered into becoming a pawn in the continual war between the two major powers of Faerie, the Summer and Winter Courts, and, as always, it takes everything he has to survive the situation without abandoning the true victims of the matter."

Butcher is currently at work on the first four-issue Dresden Files graphic novel for Dabel Brothers, an original prequel story set a few days before the events of the first book in the series, Storm Front. Following the publication of the prequel graphic novel, Dabel Brothers will publish adaptations of the Dresden Files novels.


Да-да, давайте есть пчелу мирно! (c)

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2974 сообщений
Послано - 29 Апр 2008 :  00:15:05  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Guess Who's A Voice In WALL-E?

Jim Morris, producer of Disney/Pixar's upcoming animated film WALL•E, unveiled new footage from the movie to fans at New York Comic Con over the weekend, offering the first glimpse of the character M-O and revealing that Alien star Sigourney Weaver will voice a role.

Weaver will voice the computer of the starship Axiom. "We kind of geeked out at the thought of having a little wink to Alien," Morris said in a panel. "Instead of fighting Mother, Sigourney has become Mother."

New footage showed the character of M-O, an anal-retentive cleaning droid. In the clip, WALL•E, a cube-shaped robot, sneaks aboard the Axiom, one of the luxury liners that has transported the human race off the planet Earth. WALL•E takes offense at M-O's attempts to clean him.

All told, Morris showed four clips from the movie to the Comic Con audience. The first was an extended version of a scene originally screened at last summer's Comic-Con International, in which WALL•E meets his robotic romantic interest, EVE.

A second clip showed WALL•E rescuing EVE from a sandstorm by taking her to his trailer home, where he shows off his collection of oddities: an egg beater, a Rubik's Cube, bubble wrap and a Betamax copy of the musical film Hello Dolly.

In the final footage, EVE places WALL•E in an escape pod. While inside, the Weaver-voiced computer informs him that his pod has accidentally been programmed to self-destruct. WALL•E opens June 27


Да-да, давайте есть пчелу мирно! (c)

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2974 сообщений
Послано - 29 Апр 2008 :  00:17:22  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Marvel To Do Ender Comic

Marvel Comics announced that it will publish a comic-book series based on Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game book series under the publisher's "Best-Selling Authors" line.

The first limited series installment will be adapted by comic-book and animation writer Chris Yost, drawn by Pasqual Ferry and overseen by Card himself. The series will debut in comic stores in the fall.

"Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow are my most popular novels, and for many years I've withheld them from adaptation until the conditions were exactly right," Card said in a statement. "I've worked with Marvel for several years now, beginning with the Ultimate Iron Man series, and I trust them to do superb work. They understand the stories; they know how to translate them into graphic-novel form; and nobody has higher standards of professionalism. In short, now is the time, and Marvel is the publisher to bring Ender and Bean to life in the visual media."

The comic series will mark the first visualization of Card's best-selling SF epic, in which the world's most gifted children are taken to Battle School to prepare them for the fight of their lives and to save humanity from its greatest threat. It is the tale of Ender Wiggin, a young boy who will rise up to be the greatest warrior and leader that the human race has ever known.

Meanwhile, Tor Books, Card's publisher for more than 25 years, announced the publication of a new Ender novel, Ender in Exile, in late 2008. Ender in Exile is a direct sequel to Ender's Game; it follows Ender Wiggin and his sister Valentine on their journey to Earth's first colony world.


Да-да, давайте есть пчелу мирно! (c)

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2205 сообщений
Послано - 06 Мая 2008 :  20:34:03  Посмотреть инфо об авторе Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Almost 40 years after it ended, the Spaceward Foundation is reigniting the space race with the third annual Elevator: 2010 competition. Part of the “Spaceward Games” taking place on October 19-21 near Salt Lake City, the competition is open to any family, school or adult and this year allows participants to compete in more events including the first inaugural Light Racer challenge. The tournament aims to bring attention to the viability of far-reaching space exploration concepts and requires competitors to build beam powered lunar buggies and beam powered cable “climbers”. But the machines aren’t the only thing ascending rapidly in the name of scientific advancement; the total prize money this year has skyrocketed to US$1 million.

Elevator: 2010 is a joint initiative of NASA and the Spaceward Foundation that began as a response to rising interest in the century old concept of the Space Elevator. The Space Elevator is, oddly enough, pretty much exactly what it sounds like, involving the suspension of a 62 000 mile long tether from a counterweight in space to an anchor point on the Earth’s surface. This line would facilitate the journey of shuttles from ground level right into, or past, Earth orbit without the use of any rocket propulsion. This method of travel would make the journey to space drastically cheaper, and allow shuttles to depart more often and with a much larger amount of cargo. However, until there is more evidence that the completed structure won’t fall on its face, (and a good part of the surrounding continent), governments and corporations are unwilling to sponsor its development.

This is where Elevator: 2010 comes in. The goal of the program is both to educate school children and the general public as well as nurture core technologies – ultimately the aim is to show enough improvement in the “building blocks” of the space elevator to demonstrate that, by 2010, construction could feasibly begin. These building blocks include the makeup of the tether and the design of the shuttle, which, for the purposes of the competition, has to be solely powered by a light beam. In 2005, the first year of the competition, a participant succeeded in creating a beam-powered vehicle that ascended the 50 metre trial line at a few inches per second. In 2006, even more competitors managed to reach the top and one came within two seconds of achieving a victory - which is achieved by an ascent at a minimum of 2 m/s (6.6 feet per second). But as of 2007, the Elevator: 2010 grand prize has remained tantalizingly unclaimed. The Spaceward Foundation hopes that this year, which marks the halfway point in their overall timeline, a team will finally claim the jackpot.

Whether the popularity of the race will lead to increased funding for an actual space elevator is yet to be seen, however the innovation it encourages has already demonstrated its wider applications. The Light Racer competition shows the versatility of the light beam power system, using it to charge small buggies. Spaceward claims these vehicles would be perfect for travelling from crater to crater on the surface of the moon, gathering any accumulated ice for use in nearby lunar bases.

As of the writing of this article, 24 teams have registered. Teams who have not yet done so have until September 1st.

David Smitherman of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center's Advanced Projects Office has also compiled plans for a space elevator - the concept would see a structure extend approximately 50 km tall with a cable tethered to the top. This would allow electromagnetic vehicles to travel into orbit carrying people, payloads and power between space and Earth in the latter part of the 21st century.

бог без улыбки есть дьявол

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6247 сообщений
Послано - 07 Июня 2008 :  11:39:46  Посмотреть инфо об авторе Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Требуется перевод списка стран для анкеты хранителя. Было бы здорово, если бы заодно можно было уточнить актуальность этого самого списка..

Antigua and Barbuda
Bosnia and Herzegovina
British Indian Ocean Territories
Burkina Faso (Upper Volta)
Canary Islands
Cape Veer Islands
Cayman Island
Central African Rep
Christmas Island
Comoros Islands
Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
East Timor
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Falkland Islands
Faroe Islands
Fed Rep Yugoslavia
French Guiana
French Polynesia
Fyro Macedonia
Hong Kong
Ivory Coast
Myanmar (Burma)
Netherlands Antilles
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Pitcairn Island
Republic of Korea
Reunion Island
Saint Barthelemy
Saint Croix
Saint Helena
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia Saint Lucia
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Saint Vincent and Grenadi
San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
Somalia Northern Region
Somalia Southern Region
South Africa
South Sandwich Islands
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Trinidad and Tobago
Turks and Caicos Islnd
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
Vatican City
Virgin Islands (United Kingdom)
Wallis and Futuna Islands
Western Sahara
Western Samoa
Zimbabwe (Rhodesia)


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Послано - 07 Июня 2008 :  23:43:43  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Могу тебе перевод на мыло скинуть.

Желание творчества капризно как секс - чуть хоть что-то не так и уже не хочется (Дан)

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1772 сообщений
Послано - 08 Июня 2008 :  09:13:07  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
НикитА, это было бы здорово, спасибо!

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2205 сообщений
Послано - 08 Июня 2008 :  10:59:56  Посмотреть инфо об авторе Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
El, добавь, пожалуйста, Приднестровье, Абхазию, Южную Осетию и Нагорный Карабах. Хоть и не признаны, но существуют как полноценные государства.
И Палестину.
И Македонию. Македония называется "Бывшая Югославская Республика Македония" только в странах Евросоюза. Официальное её название вне стран ЕС - Республика Македония.

А вообще посмотри здесь полный список всех государств с официальными и неофициальными названиями.
бог без улыбки есть дьявол

Отредактировано - nadian on 08 Июня 2008 11:13:09

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12083 сообщений
Послано - 08 Июня 2008 :  14:17:22  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу Mat Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Что-то не заметил, чтобы процесс вычитывания реально шёл. С переведенными текстами что-то позитивное потом происходит? :)

Mat, if you don't mind

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6247 сообщений
Послано - 08 Июня 2008 :  17:34:12  Посмотреть инфо об авторе Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой

А вообще посмотри здесь полный список всех государств с официальными и неофициальными названиями.

Кстати, да, самый простой простой вариант. :)

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2205 сообщений
Послано - 08 Июня 2008 :  19:26:31  Посмотреть инфо об авторе Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Mat, процесс вычитывания идёт, когда есть перевод. Пока что никто не переводит. Готовые переводы идут в новости или в Кубики.

бог без улыбки есть дьявол

Хранитель года - 2006

5221 сообщений
Послано - 09 Июня 2008 :  00:31:18  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой

Are We a Duplicate Universe of the One Prior to the Big Bang?

Я бы вот это перевела, если никто еще не взялся.

Я зашухерила всю вашу малину.

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12083 сообщений
Послано - 09 Июня 2008 :  00:39:37  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу Mat Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Я, помнится, пару текстов переводил ;)

Mat, if you don't mind

Хранитель года - 2006

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Послано - 09 Июня 2008 :  02:06:25  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой


Я зашухерила всю вашу малину.

Мастер Слова

12083 сообщений
Послано - 09 Июня 2008 :  13:22:57  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу Mat Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Нет, ближе к квантовым компам :)

Mat, if you don't mind

Мастер Слова

2974 сообщений
Послано - 09 Июня 2008 :  15:05:20  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой

Я, помнится, пару текстов переводил ;)
Что-то не заметил, чтобы процесс вычитывания реально шёл. С переведенными текстами что-то позитивное потом происходит? :)

Собственно, они уже давно здесь:
4/28/2008 Бродя по Гипернету, или В двух шагах от квантового будущего?
4/28/2008 Революционный прорыв в быстродействии компьютерной памяти


Да-да, давайте есть пчелу мирно! (c)

Мастер Слова

12083 сообщений
Послано - 10 Июня 2008 :  01:49:47  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу Mat Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой

Mat, if you don't mind


911 сообщений
Послано - 28 Июля 2008 :  00:03:30  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу Ziriaell Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Что есть нового на перевод, или что из до сих пор не переведенного еще актуально, или на какую тему требуется поискать информацию?

Dixi quod potui, dicant meliora potentes

Мастер Слова

2205 сообщений
Послано - 28 Июля 2008 :  09:37:54  Посмотреть инфо об авторе Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Ziriaell, нового нет, раз не выкладывается, но старое непереведённое актуально.
Если есть возможность поискать, то научные новости всегда кстати.

бог без улыбки есть дьявол


911 сообщений
Послано - 29 Июля 2008 :  22:44:33  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу Ziriaell Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Возьму на перевод следующее:
- Babelfish -Universal Translator Will Allow ET to Speak English
- Evolution of Life was Stalled for 2 Billion Years
- Binary "Hot or Not": Scientists have Developed a Computer that can Appreciate Female Beauty
- Is Robot Evolution Mirroring the Evolution of Life?
- The Top 7 Most Embarrassing Moments in Science Fiction

Насколько я поняла, эти статьи еще никто не брал? А то я могла проморгать что-нибудь :)

Dixi quod potui, dicant meliora potentes

Мастер Слова

2974 сообщений
Послано - 30 Июля 2008 :  12:10:49  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой

Насколько я поняла, эти статьи еще никто не брал? А то я могла проморгать что-нибудь :)

Бери, бери, я завтра вечером еще подкину :)


Inquisition. Inspecting people. (c)


390 сообщений
Послано - 01 Дек 2008 :  22:54:30  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу Wren Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Кажется, немного не по теме, но...

А переведите кто-нибудь Ночную Землю Ходжсона. :) Сложный английский текст, к сожалению, мало читаемо. Но это же, блин, классика и основополагающий столп современной постапокалиптики!


Быть хорошим - это очень изматывает человека!

Мастер Слова

2974 сообщений
Послано - 18 Дек 2008 :  10:59:54  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Не, Wren, это слишком круто для нас :(

"Слова удирали в голову. Было не больно, совершенно, но глубоко." (c) автор неизвестен

Мастер Слова

2974 сообщений
Послано - 18 Дек 2008 :  11:03:59  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Space-Robot Designers Needed -"What Color's Your Spaceship?"

A New Galaxy Series on Transforming Your Life for the 21st Century

One effect of the breakthrough technologies we report on is that you need breakthrough technologists to run them (at least until we get AI working). It doesn't matter if "nanotech swarm handler" will one day be as boring as "windshield repair" - what matters is that right now these things are awesome and you could get paid to do them. The first job in our weekly What Color's Your Spaceship? career series is Off-World Robot Designer, a phrase so futuristic it might well jump off your monitor as a hologram.

Building a robot for another planet isn't just painting "NASA" on the side and sticking it on a rocket: the whole point of other planets is that they're different to Earth. Different gravity, different air mixtures (or not), or entirely different basics (try landing a rover on Jupiter some time and tell us how that goes). A Venusian vehicle would have to be tougher than titanium, while a Phobos-probe's first priority must be "hold on to this tiny rock, because it sure as hell isn't holding me down."

Such radical challenges may require radical solutions, but they still need to be self-sustaining. Space-robot design, and that phrase is so awesome we're going to say it again, space-robot design is more like raising a child than maintaining a machine: once it sets off into the big black the best you can do is phone with advice. It needs to be able to take care of itself, so you can't just have a cool idea - you have to make it work.

That's the challenge facing PhD student Rhodri Armour and his Jollbot, a jumping-rolling robot with an entirely unique mode of locomotion. (And yes, this does mean that completing the robot will make him Dr Armour, at which point he'll probably be hired by Marvel to attack Iron Man). The jollbot, which you really have to see in the video here , can roll and hop around obstacles. A major advantage in rugged planetscapes, where wheel or leg-based systems require careful and time-consuming navigation. How can a ball fall over, after all?

Part of the work looks at how such bouncing-bots can contribute to the space effort. You can't put a chemical oven in something designed to shake and slam itself off the ground. You can, however, cover the surface in flexible solar panelling studded with rugged sensors and map huge areas in a fraction of the time the "Tonka Truck" designs would require.

To recap: Rhondri goes into work each day, starts fiddling with robots that he's built and controls, and wonders "What can I make these things do on other planets." What do you do?

"Слова удирали в голову. Было не больно, совершенно, но глубоко." (c) автор неизвестен

Мастер Слова

2974 сообщений
Послано - 18 Дек 2008 :  11:05:12  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Experts Ask: Could Cold "Super Earths" Potentially Support Life?

Scientists are expanding the search for extraterrestrial life - and they've set their sights on some very unearthly planets. Cold "Super-Earths" - giant, "snowball" planets that astronomers have observed on the outskirts of faraway solar systems - could potentially support some kind of life, they have found.

Such planets are plentiful; experts estimate that one-third of all solar systems contain super-Earths. "We know there are a lot of super-Earths out there, and the next generation of telescopes will be even better at spotting them," said Scott Gaudi, assistant professor of astronomy at Ohio State University. "A more worrisome question is, if these planets have life on them, how would we know it? We have a hard enough time trying to figure out where there's life on Europa, let alone something that's hundreds of light years away," he added.

Despite the name, a super-Earth has little in common with the Earth that we know - other than the fact it is has a solid surface. A super-Earth is covered with ice, and may have a substantial atmosphere - perhaps much thicker than the Earth's.

Yet Gaudi joined with Eric Gaidos of the University of Hawaii and Sara Seager of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to model whether such planets might harbor a liquid ocean that could support life, and whether they might be detectable from Earth.

Gaidos reported the team's early results at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco.

"It turns out that if super-Earths are young enough, massive enough, or have a thick atmosphere, they could have liquid water under the ice or even on the surface," Gaudi said. "And we will almost certainly be able to detect these habitable planets if they exist."

The most promising technique for finding super-Earths is the one Gaudi prefers: gravitational microlensing. When one star happens to cross in front of another as seen from Earth, it magnifies the light from the more distant star like a lens. If planets are orbiting the lens star, they boost the magnification briefly as they pass by.

Gaudi and his colleagues first discussed the project this summer at an Aspen Center for Physics workshop. The workshops are sponsored by the National Science Foundation, and they offer an informal atmosphere for scientists to propose new ideas.

There, the three talked about using microlensing to search for life in a new way.

Most such efforts focus on finding planets in another solar system's "habitable zone" - the distance from a star where temperatures are just right for supporting liquid water on the surface and thus life as we know it.

But water is much more plentiful beyond the habitable zone, in the outer reaches of a solar system, Gaudi explained. It's most often found as ice - at the heart of gas planets such as Jupiter, on frozen moons such as Europa, and on super-Earths. In fact, Earth's water probably originated elsewhere, and found its way here on comets or asteroids.

So rather than looking for warm planets like Earth that happened to acquire water, Gaudi and his colleagues decided to look at cold super-Earths that formed with water already in place.

They examined the likelihood that some internal heat source might enable liquid water to form under the ice. As Gaidos and Seager modeled scenarios for heating the interior of super-Earths, Gaudi modeled whether the planets they hypothesized would be detectable.

Gaidos and Seager found that very big super-Earths, ones around 10 times the mass of Earth, could retain enough heat from their formation to form a liquid ocean beneath the ice - even though those planets would be located some five times farther from their star than the Earth is from its sun.

Gaudi determined that such planets would be detectable. In fact, microlensing is best at detecting planets that far out in a solar system, he said.

As to what type of life might be found there, it's too early to speculate.

"A more worrisome question is, if these planets have life on them, how would we know it? We have a hard enough time trying to figure out where there's life on Europa, let alone something that's hundreds of light years away," he added.


Cold "Super-Earths" -- giant, "snowball" planets that astronomers have spied on the outskirts of faraway solar systems -- could potentially support some kind of life, astronmers from Ohio State, the University of Hawaii and MIT have discovered.

Such planets are plentiful; experts estimate that one-third of all solar systems contain super-Earths.

"We know there are a lot of super-Earths out there, and the next generation of telescopes will be even better at spotting them," said Scott Gaudi, assistant professor of astronomy at Ohio State University.

Despite the name, a super-Earth has little in common with the Earth that we know -- other than the fact it is has a solid surface. A super-Earth is covered with ice, and may have a substantial atmosphere – perhaps much thicker than the Earth's.

Yet Gaudi joined with Eric Gaidos of the University of Hawaii and Sara Seager of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to model whether such planets might harbor a liquid ocean that could support life, and whether they might be detectable from Earth.

"It turns out that if super-Earths are young enough, massive enough, or have a thick atmosphere, they could have liquid water under the ice or even on the surface," Gaudi said. "And we will almost certainly be able to detect these habitable planets if they exist."

The most promising technique for finding super-Earths is the one Gaudi prefers: gravitational microlensing. When one star happens to cross in front of another as seen from Earth, it magnifies the light from the more distant star like a lens. If planets are orbiting the lens star, they boost the magnification briefly as they pass by.

Gaudi and his colleagues first discussed the project this summer at an Aspen Center for Physics workshop. The workshops are sponsored by the National Science Foundation, and they offer an informal atmosphere for scientists to propose new ideas.

Most such efforts focus on finding planets in another solar system's "habitable zone" -- the distance from a star where temperatures are just right for supporting liquid water on the surface and thus life as we know it. But water is much more plentiful beyond the habitable zone, in the outer reaches of a solar system, Gaudi explained. It's most often found as ice -- at the heart of gas planets such as Jupiter, on frozen moons such as Europa, and on super-Earths. In fact, Earth's water probably originated elsewhere, and found its way here on comets or asteroids.

So rather than looking for warm planets like Earth that happened to acquire water, Gaudi and his colleagues decided to look at cold super-Earths that formed with water already in place.

The team examined the likelihood that some internal heat source might enable liquid water to form under the ice. As Gaidos and Seager modeled scenarios for heating the interior of super-Earths, Gaudi modeled whether the planets they hypothesized would be detectable.

Gaidos and Seager found that very big super-Earths, ones around 10 times the mass of Earth, could retain enough heat from their formation to form a liquid ocean beneath the ice -- even though those planets would be located some five times farther from their star than the Earth is from its sun. Gaudi determined that such planets would be detectable. In fact, microlensing is best at detecting planets that far out in a solar system, he said.

"Слова удирали в голову. Было не больно, совершенно, но глубоко." (c) автор неизвестен

Мастер Слова

2974 сообщений
Послано - 18 Дек 2008 :  11:08:18  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Triple-helical Cyber DNA: Will the Law of Unintended Consequences Kick in with Life-Capable Chemicals?

Cyborgs have been the sci-fi dream of a generation, merging man and machine in amazing new combinations. Most of which seem to look like major action stars. But a team at the University of Copenhagen think that's amateur hour. In fact they find the entirety of life of planet Earth to be distinctly underwhelming, which is why they're working on an upgrade - triple-helixed DNA.

The idea is to add a third Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA) strand to the two Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) strands we started with. This ultimate artificial additive can regulate the activity of the existing
genes, blocking some or enhancing others, and that's just for starters: the cyber-strand is not limited to the four letter vocabulary of GATC, meaning that extra characters could be added tothat very exclusive club.

When a team at the Center for Biomolecular Recognition first attempted to install a PNA strand into the "Major Groove" of regular DNA (yes, this concept is so cool that even the scientific terms involved are
funky), they were excited by a surprising and sophisticated effect. Because unintended consequences of far greater complexity than anticipated are exactly what you want to happen in a lab working on
ife-capable chemicals.

Instead of a single PNA strand joining into the genetic party, two PNAs would muscle out one of the existing strands and create a region of two-thirds artificial triple-tagged helix. The displaced DNA would
hang loose outside this region, forming a "p-loop" which has since been found to speed up replication of the structure. Also, the PNA-DNA bonds are stronger than the originals.

To recap: you have artificial cyber-genetics with capabilities beyond those of weak organics, they're stronger, and they can replicate faster. It's clear that this entire branch of science has escaped from a movie somehow, a conclusion strengthened by the fact that the PNA has a ridiculous weakness: water. Yes, just like Signs. No, we don't think it's on purpose.

Inside a squishy organic creature isn't a great place for chemicals that don't like water, and any PNA in a living organism is rapidly excreted - but not too rapidly for it to have effects. PNA has already been used to cure muscular dystrophy in lab animals, meaning that even without a chemical raincoat (which scientists are already working on) it's a powerful tool for controlling the very code of

Scientists currently researching in the field think waterproofing their work is only a matter of time, meaning that we could be looking at triple-stranded DNA in the future. We still have a long way to go
though - if expository movie computer-graphics can be believed, we need eight to recreate Leloo from the Fifth Element.

It'll be a lot of work, but we're sure you'll agree it's worth it.

"Слова удирали в голову. Было не больно, совершенно, но глубоко." (c) автор неизвестен

Мастер Слова

2974 сообщений
Послано - 18 Дек 2008 :  11:09:02  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Are Supermassive Black Holes at the Center of All Galaxies? New Research Says "Yes"

Astronomers have been studying the largest thing in the galaxy, and despite what you might think, it required very careful and accurate work to find it. At the center of the Milky Way galaxy lies Sagittarius A-star, a supermassive black hole, which undoes any lovely notions of light or creation: because our entire galaxy is held together by an engine of destruction.

A sixteen year study by scientists at the Max Planck Institute tracked the orbits of central stars orbiting the black hole. Yes, sixteen years, and that's the very smallest of the dimensions involved here; the black hole itself has a mass of 3.7 MegaSuns, and the unit of distance measurement in the study was the "light month". That's 777 Terameters.

Over such scales, entire stars are viewed as "test particles", which is a level of gigantic which only God, and now these scientists, can even conceive of. The observations also prove that no "dark matter" is needed in the center of the galaxy - it's all regular matter. Or at least it was until it got crunched up in the cosmic trash compactor that is a black hole singularity.

Scientist believe that most galaxies, certainly all the spiral ones, have such supermassive black holes in the center. Several have been observed or inferred by their radiation signatures, polar jets or other massively energetic effects. While the exact mechanics of such singularity-centrality have to be worked out, a simple picture can explain why they should be there. Of all the places in the universe, a galactic core is the most likely place for a vast star to form (and then collapse into a black hole), or for a smaller black hole to consume enough matter to become supermassive.

Once the hole passes a certain size its gravitational attraction will shape the orbits of everything it doesn't eat. It no longer matters if it was exactly at the center before - it's made itself the center now. Does this mean that asymmetric dwarf galaxies or globular clusters will eventually develop their own black hole pivot points? It seems inevitable: all black holes below a certain size evaporate, and above a certain size they just keep growing. Wait long enough and one will turn up. And eat you.

There is another special case: Galaxy 0402+379, which is kind of an unimposing name for the greatest unexploded bomb in existence. It doesn't have one supermassive black hole - it has two, and is thought to be the result of a truly massive collision between two galaxies, each with only the standard "one mega-ultra-huge black hole per galaxy". A galactic collision is the second most amazingly violent event you can think of - the first will be when those two black holes eventually hit each other. The resulting merger will release energy on an utterly unprecedented scale, and emit gravity waves which will bend spacetime itself.

"Слова удирали в голову. Было не больно, совершенно, но глубоко." (c) автор неизвестен

Мастер Слова

2974 сообщений
Послано - 18 Дек 2008 :  11:16:56  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Has Humanity's Impact on the Biosphere Created a New Geological Era? Experts Say "Yes"

No one can realistically argue that humans haven’t dramatically transformed the face of the planet. But now scientists propose that humankind has so altered the Earth that that we have brought about an end to one epoch and entered a new age, as different from our recent ancestors' time as the Jurassic was from the Cambrian. Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen calls it the Anthropocene, with "anthro" signifying humanity's biospheric impact. They suggest humans have so changed the Earth that it’s time the Holocene epoch was officially ended.

In 2000, Crutzen, best known for his research on ozone depletion, currently with the Department of Atmospheric Chemistry at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, and Eugene F. Stoermer, emphasized the central role of mankind in geology and ecology. They proposed using the term anthropocene for the current geological epoch, saying: "To assign a more specific date to the onset of the 'anthropocene" seems somewhat arbitrary, but we propose the latter part of the 18th century, although we are aware that alternative proposals can be made (some may even want to include the entire holocene). However, we choose this date because, during the past two centuries, the global effects of human activities have become clearly noticeable. This is the period when data retrieved from glacial ice cores show the beginning of a growth in the atmospheric concentrations of several 'greenhouse gases", in particular CO2 and CH4. Such a starting date also coincides with James Watt's invention of the steam engine in 1784."

Geologists from the University of Leicester, Jan Zalasiewicz and Mark Williams, and their colleagues on the Stratigraphy Commission of the Geological Society of London say that humankind has entered a phase where we are so rapidly transforming the planet that a new era has started. Duke University soil scientist Daniel Richter agrees. He says the dirt under our feet is being so changed by humans that it is now appropriate to call this epoch the Anthropocene.

“With more than half of all soils on Earth now being cultivated for food crops, grazed, or periodically logged for wood, how to sustain Earth’s soils is becoming a major scientific and policy issue,” Richter said.

Zalasiewicz and Williams research, which appears in the journal GSA, states that, “sufficient evidence has emerged of stratigraphically significant change (both elapsed and imminent) for recognition of the Anthropocene—currently a vivid yet informal metaphor of global environmental change—as a new geological epoch to be considered for formalization by international discussion.”

Their study specifically identified human impact through phenomena which includes:

• Transformed patterns of sediment erosion and deposition worldwide
• Major disturbances to the carbon cycle and global temperature
• Wholesale changes to the world’s plants and animals
• Ocean acidification

The geologists analyzed the proposal made by Nobel Prize-winning chemist Paul Crutzen. In 2002 Crutzen suggested the Earth had left the Holocene and started the Anthropocene era due to the global environmental effects of increased human population and economic development.

The researchers show how the dominance of humans has so physically changed Earth that there is increasingly less justification for linking pre- and post-industrialized Earth within the same epoch, known as the Holocene.

The scientists said their findings present the scholarly groundwork for consideration by the International Commission on Stratigraphy for formal adoption of the Anthropocene as the youngest epoch of, and most recent addition to, the Earth's geological timescale.

Of course the implication of entering the Anthropocene epoch goes far behind designating a formal name. Richter says that there are many serious questions facing us at this moment in time during Earth’s long and colorful history.

“Society’s most important scientific questions include the future of Earth’s soil,” Richter added. "Can soils double food production in the next few decades? Is soil exacerbating the global carbon cycle and climatic warming? How can land management improve soil’s processing of carbon, nutrients, wastes, toxics and water, all to minimize adverse effects on the environment?"

The ground we walk on is a precious, life-sustaining resource. Richter says leading scientists are quite concerned, for example, about how agriculture in Africa has depleted regional soil fertility to the point that economic development of whole nations will suffer unless entire regions adopt drastic improvements in soil management. Since food production, trade and economic growth are increasingly interconnected in today’s world, perhaps it is time for Earth’s inhabitants to cultivate a more global, cooperative perspective on how we manage Earth’s resources as a whole.

"This is an old story writ large of widespread cropping without nutrient recycling, with the result being soil infertility," Richter said. "And agriculture is only part of the reason why soils are so rapidly changing. Expanding cities, industries, mining and transportation systems all impact soil in ways that are far more permanent than cultivation."

"If humanity is to succeed in the coming decades, we must interact much more positively with the great diversity of Earth's soils."

"Слова удирали в голову. Было не больно, совершенно, но глубоко." (c) автор неизвестен

Мастер Слова

2974 сообщений
Послано - 18 Дек 2008 :  11:18:12  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Signs of Life in the Milky Way: Glycolaldehyde

While some have been scanning our nearest neighbors for signs of life, excited by the existence of ice and methane plumes on Mars, others have been looking farther afield. Much farther afield. Twenty-five thousand light years afield, in fact, which is a bit more afield than the human brain can actually picture without popping, and in the far flung locale of HMC G31.41+0.31 one of the basic components of life has been found.

Such long-range searches are very different to our close range surveys. You can't quite make out structures in another quadrant of the galaxy (even inferring the existence of a planet is considered a major success), but for all that we still depend on the "look at the incoming light" tactic the ancients used to detect Venus and Jupiter. But we're no longer limited to the visual spectrum, and can see more than just "Big spots that reflect light."

A lot more. The advances of quantum mechanics allow us to identify materials clear across the Milky Way just from the light we receive - every chemical in creation has a unique light signature, caused by photons jumping between the different electron energy levels in its atoms. In this case, a European team of scientists have identified the simple sugar glycolaldehyde from its infra-red emissions.

Glycolaldehyde (CH2OHCHO) might not sound terribly vital to you, but it's kind of important. Put together with propenal it can make ribose, which is used to make ribonucleic acid, which is used to make deoxyribonucleic acid, which is used to make you. It's one of the fundamental chemical building blocks that's more biological than mineral and its existence spread through space is a big deal. It's been observed as far back as 2000 in hot galactic core regions, but this is the first observation in a location where life as we know it could conceivable occur.

Recent results indicating that there are far more planets out there than we previously suspected, and combined with these suggestions that the "life chemistry set" is pretty widespread this raises the chances of extraterrestrial life. Because no matter what the odds of a successful combination of components, there is a far larger number of planets shaking the chemical cocktail shaker for a "Life Special With Extra Carbon."

"Слова удирали в голову. Было не больно, совершенно, но глубоко." (c) автор неизвестен

Мастер Слова

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Послано - 18 Дек 2008 :  11:18:54  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Brain Computer - The Cyborg Edition

Boston University scientists have created the world's first communications cyborg. He can only make three vowel sounds at the moment, so he probably sucks at Scrabble, but when you realize that those sounds are coming from a neuroconnection grafted directly into his speech center you have to be impressed.

The subject of this cyborgisation is a victim of "locked-in syndrome", a condition where you are are utterly paralyzed but still fully conscious and aware of your surroundings. Which has to be one of the worst possible things that can happen to anyone. Professor Guenther's team are working to enable this person to speak via technology, advancing our understanding of speech and brain-computer connections while answering once and for all any idiots who ask "What good is science?" Because if you don't think helping someone who's a prisoner in their own skull is worthwhile, your opinion just doesn't count.

The heart of the project is a special neuro-electrode which has been implanted in the patient's brain. Unlike the short-term or skull-mounted probes of other mind-machine work, this device has been coated with chemicals that encourage neurons to grow on and around it, making the electronics a permanent part of the person's head.

Software decodes the signals received by the inner-mind-machinery and can now accurately translate three vowel sounds. The team are continuing to work on improving the system, meaning that while "software updates" for you just mean new themes and having to restart your computer, for one man (and hopefully many more after him) it could make the difference between an eternity of silence and communication. After that, with a perfected brain-computer interface system, there will be no limit to what we could connect.

"Слова удирали в голову. Было не больно, совершенно, но глубоко." (c) автор неизвестен

Мастер Слова

2974 сообщений
Послано - 18 Дек 2008 :  11:19:59  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Nanoneural Upgrade Creates Something Half Brain, Half Ultra-Tech

You've always been told that you can "improve your mind" by learning, but a group of European scientists have decided to be more direct about it. They've learned that neural activity can be increased by grafting brain cells onto nano-tubes, thereby creating something that's half brain, half ultra-tech, all awesome.

The work clamps a bunch of hippocampus cells to a fullerene nanotube. Trials have shown that the brain cells grow very effectively on the nanomaterial, indicating that this junction could be a biocompatible link between mind and machine. Even better, the single-walled nanotubes can actually accelerate signaling between neural cells. Electrical signals can be conducted by the tube, and are transmitted faster than by the cells' own axon connections.

The team intend to use this nanoneurology to repair spinal cord injuries. The scaffold can steer the cells between the existing cells, while newly grown nerves can complete the connection. When the chance to heal people otherwise thought permanently paralyzed is just the first test of a new technique? That's when you know that science is awesome.

Faster signalling doesn't mean faster thinking - the cells can still only fire at a certain speed. But the ability to provide extra connections between brain cells, and use the nanoscaffold to steer their development, offers limitless possibilities. By their very nature brain cells learn and adapt to form a network - faster connections doesn't mean faster thinking, but extra connections and new architectures offer the chance for entirely new modes of thought.

The problem is that tinkering with the human mind is pretty much every moral and ethical minefield on the planet jammed together (all the experiments so far have been on rat cells). If somebody wants to engineer a hyperbrain they'll have to do it in secret. But then again, if someone is working to use the latest nanotechnology to create a race of ultraintelligent cyborgs it's certain that they'll be working in secret. To avoid James Bond killing them.

"Слова удирали в голову. Было не больно, совершенно, но глубоко." (c) автор неизвестен

Отредактировано - SeaJey 18 Дек 2008 11:22:20

Мастер Слова

2974 сообщений
Послано - 18 Дек 2008 :  11:20:49  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Посетить домашнюю страницу SeaJey Посмотреть читательский профиль  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Will a Nano-Fiber Elevator Launch the Future of Space Exploration? Japan Says 'Yes'

Competition heating up between Japan and the US to build the world's first "space elevator". The technology required to create a physical link between Earth and outer space is getting closer to being a reality with Japan's announcement that it was researching plans to build a space elevator – a link to space that could transport cargo and even tourists – for 1 trillion yen ($11 billion).

"Just like travelling abroad, anyone will be able to ride the elevator into space," chairman of the Japan Space Elevator Association, Shuichi Ono, told The Times. The news is reported to have shaken up scientists at NASA, who have traditionally focused on rockets to reach space but could now be considering following Japan's suit.

The plans for a space elevator rely on a cable being stretched between a satellite and a platform on Earth along which vehicles could travel. One location being considered by NASA for such a platform is off the coast of Perth, according to the West Australian co-author of the book "Leaving The Earth By Space Elevator," by Philip Ragan.

Mr Ragan, who wrote the book with former NASA scientist and space elevator expert Dr Bradley C. Edwards, said there were 12 criteria that had to be met when choosing a possible location for the Earth port including consideration of storms and lightning.

"We identified that the Indian Ocean, about 500km off of Perth, was a prime location to site the Earth end of the cable," Mr Ragan said.

"A second preferred location is about 2000 miles (3218km) south of Hawaii... (which would be) closer for Americans in air time but logistically more remote for servicing by shipping."

"The Indian Ocean off Western Australia has been identified as an ideal location for a space elevator – a thin carbon nanotube connecting a barge to a space station, along which supplies could be carried up," said the report.

If a space elevator was built, it would provide a method of transportation to a space platform floating about 36,000km or more above the Earth.

Much of the cost associated with space exploration stem from trying to get off Earth itself – by overcoming the planet's gravitational pull using extremely expensive rocket blasts. Space Missions launched from a platform already outside of the Earth's atmosphere would be cheaper and more efficient, allowing for more exploration projects.

However plans for a space elevator rely on finding a material strong enough to form the cable, or "ribbon", stretched between Earth and space. Scientists say the ribbon would need to be 150 times stronger than steel to be stable. The loads are enormous and get dangerously high once the elevator starts oscillating as it moves along the cable. A major challenge is to develop fibers that have sufficient strength-to-weight ratio so that they will take the load without being so ridiculously large in diameter that it could never be deployed, which is why everyone is looking at nanofibre technology."

Experts say competition between space agencies would heat up in coming years as the technology to build a space elevator became available and the cost efficiency of launching missions from outside the Earth's gravitational pull became clear. The first country to deploy a space elevator will have a 95 per cent cost advantage and could potentially control all space activities.

"Слова удирали в голову. Было не больно, совершенно, но глубоко." (c) автор неизвестен


7 сообщений
Послано - 18 Дек 2008 :  11:29:52  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
Беру на перевод следующие статьи:
1. Space-Robot Designers Needed -"What Color's Your Spaceship?"
2.Are Supermassive Black Holes at the Center of All Galaxies? New Research Says "Yes"
3. Signs of Life in the Milky Way: Glycolaldehyde

Хранитель года - 2006

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Послано - 18 Дек 2008 :  11:31:47  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
angel23, черт, опоздала . Не отдадите ли мне "черные дыры"?

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Послано - 18 Дек 2008 :  12:13:00  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой
статья как называется, я только первую перевела


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Послано - 18 Дек 2008 :  12:13:59  Посмотреть инфо об авторе  Получить ссылку на сообщение  Ответить с цитатой

Хранитель года - 2006

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Are Supermassive Black Holes at the Center of All Galaxies? New Research Says "Yes"


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