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Before the Cheap Fifa 16 Coins Chinese mens soccer

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Послано - 07 Дек 2015 :  05:48:12  Показать инфо об авторе  Ответить с цитатой
Before the [url=http://www.gameshop4u.com/]cheap fifa 16 coins[/url] Chinese men's soccer national team coach Camacho Chinese Football Association confirmed on arrears appealed to FIFA regarding the surrender himself in an interview with Spanish media, FIFA has made a ruling in their favor. If the Chinese Football Association are determined not to pay the arrears of the termination fee, FIFA will again propose a solution, Camacho hope it will be final.

Camacho after school, the report said Camacho's termination fee of up to 6.45 million euros, the Chinese Football Association to bear taxes. From the current situation, FIFA has for Camacho and the Chinese Football Association made the decision dispute, and [url=http://www.gameshop4u.com/]fifa 16 xbox 360 coins[/url] decision to support the aspirations of Camacho. If the Chinese Football Association to Camacho refused to pay the full termination fee, there might be FIFA punished.

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